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Sunday, November 13, 2005

Miliki Children's Home

This is a children's home that we visited. It is run by one women named Violet. It is one of the poorest children's homes and the city wants to close it down. But then where would the children go? It's better to have somewhere other than the street. But Violet struggles because mothers (and others) just drop children off at her doorstep and she really has no choice but to take them. Some of the children were very skinny from malnutrition and many had fat tummies from parasites in their tummies. One little girl had signs of ringworm on her head. This is one place that I had to leave for a minute because I was going to fall apart. They sang to us when we arrived and you could feel the love. They enjoyed our company very much. They are beautiful children and deserve a chance. They have so much potential and that's what is difficult for me. I want to give them the clothes off of my back because I know that they have nothing. Sometimes, I just stand and pray because I don't know what else to do.


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